Sourced from GasFields Commission Queensland
Queensland's Coal Seam Gas (CSG) Compliance Unit has resolved more than 80 percent of the 237 landholder enquiries it has received up to 30 September this year, covering a wide range of issues from bores, to CSG operations and land access.
CSG Compliance Unit with landholder
The CSG Compliance Unit undertakes industry compliance, auditing and engagement activities and includes groundwater experts, and specialists in petroleum and gas safety, land access and other areas. It works closely with other regulatory agencies including the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.
Commenting on the latest figures, GasFields Commission Chairman John Cotter said while the overall number of enquiries is down relative to the previous year, the range and complexity of issues being dealt with remain significant.
Mr Cotter said these latest figures highlight the diversity of issues raised with the Unit with a large number still relating to CSG operations and bores including potential water impacts concerns and requests for information or support surrounding the make-good process.
"I am still concerned by the number of queries raised and have been urging onshore gas proponents to make an even more concerted effort to ensure they remain alert to landholder concerns and look to communicate openly and negotiate in good faith to resolve issues."
He said the CSGCU is often the first port of call for landholders or community members when they have an enquiry or concern relating to the operations of the CSG industry in their region.
"The Commission continues to closely monitor the queries received and responses made by the CSGCU as it can reflect broader issues or concerns that may need to be addressed.
"The CSGCU also plays an active engagement role in regional areas, providing information and education on a range of matters including groundwater monitoring, bore assessments and helping landholders to understand the regulatory framework for the State's onshore gas industry," he said.
The GasFields Commission is now publishing updates each quarter of CSGCU activity and the type of issues raised by landholders and the community in Queensland.